
Zurich.ae wanted to reduce operational costs by bringing paper based processes on line and allow customers to self-serve.


The problem

Zurich came to Each & Other (Where I was freelancing) to help the bring key customer process online. An inital 23 process had been identified by Zurich and together we identified the ones with the most value (we analysed the current volume, time required by customer and internal teams) and took on 9 process for this iniative with the intention of building a system that Zurich could use for the remaining processes. As lead designer on the project I was responsible for:

  • Planning all design activities

  • Facilitating all workshops

  • Producing all design deliverables

  • Presenting design findings and deliverables to the client

The plan

Design sprints for each of the 9 processes were broken down into the following categories.

  • Discovery

  • Design

  • Test & Iterate


I planned and facilitated workshops for each of the 9 processes to:

  • Gain a deeper understanding of the current process

  • Highlight inefficiencies

  • Discover areas to reduce friction

  • Define common steps


Conversations not process

I designed a modular system to facilitate ‘conversations’ between Zurich and their customers. The system was based on the steps that a conversation between a Zurich employee and a customer would naturally take. From a systems view point the conversation could be strung together allow customers to complete multiple process at the same time.



At the start of each of each design sprint I ran co design session with the client where we reviewed and updated:

  • User flows 

  • Wireframes


The system

As part of the system I broke down the conversation into 4 key stages which again follwed a natural flow of a real conversation. The key stages I designed were:

  1. Intention - this is where the customer tells Zurich what they need

  2. Expectations - This is where Zurich lets the customer know what details are required, how long it might take and any other tips to help the customer complete the process

  3. Parameters - this is the data collection pieace, adding details, uploading documentation etc

  4. Inform - the customer needs to know whats happening behind the scenes and to have a clear indication of whats next at all stages


Converstaions with customers start with their intent. I created an easy way for the customer to start the conversation by selecting the process they required.


The system was upfront with the customer informing them what they needed to complete the application and easy access to resources and help.



Data collection without the hassle. An easy to use, intuitive stepped process to gather all required details and upload documents.


Like any interaction with a customer the system has to let the user know that they received their information and that they will keep them updated on progress of the application.

The results

I planned and organised 5 user tests with Zurich.ae customers to understand if the new designs were easy to use, find any usability issues and ultimately understand if the processes would be useful to customers. Key findings included:

  • All users found the processes easy to use.

  • All users said they would use the processes online.

  • Some users had issues with the sequence of steps within the Restart flow.

What customer thought